August 25th, 2012
CQS Allstars 216 vs LCHR Allstars 83
CQS Miss B-havers 170 vs LCHR Bruisin Betties 94
After the close bout between the CQS and LCHR Allstars at the 2011 State Championship in Charleston, SC this game was one of the most highly anticipated rematches of the season. Coming off their first lost against Atlanta, CQS played a much different game than before. Through most of the first half, the CQS Allstars held fierce walls and demonstrated their practiced teamwork. Jammers Crystal Cutt, Grafik, and Mel Anoma took some hard spills but managed to send the score in the triple digits. The CQS Allstar roster added new editions Rosie Rivetor and Poison Violet while LCHR lost one of their top blockers Sexual Chocolate. [Read More]
The Columbia QuadSquad is opening up recruitment for one final time this calendar year. Meet us at Skate Station USA on August 20th at 6:30pm for an introduction to CQS Roller Derby. You’ll be able to meet the Training Team, skate around in a relaxed environment, and see firsthand the skills you will need to make it through tryouts on September 6th. What are we looking for by Sept 6th? The ability to skate forward smoothly with crossovers, stop smoothly, perform one-foot glides, and be able to squat while skating. <!-more->
We also strongly recommend that you come and watch a CQS home bout to see what you’re getting into, and there are two in August! One is at our Compound on August 18th and one at Jamil Temple on August 25th (see facebook invites).
If you have any questions, please feel free to email our New Skater Coordinator, Chucktown Bruiser, or the head of the Training Committee, Truckstop.
CQS can’t wait to meet you!
My dad had two daughters; one was a rough and tumble tomboy, and one was a girly girl. While my sister played outside in the dirt, I was in the kitchen baking. We were so different, and I was constantly compared to the polar opposite that was my older sibling. We could never agree on anything, but this never stopped my dad from taking us to watch sporting events. It was at one of these events, where I was first introduced to roller derby. [Read More]
The minis are taking the track again in a much anticipated rematch between the Silver Bullettes and Sumter Swarm. This bout is open to the public but only 25 tickets will be sold. Contact a mini for ticket information.
**No discounts are given for CQS tickets from purchasing CQS Minis Tickets***
Come be merry and help support your favorite sport… ROLLER DERBY!!!
This year’s prom theme is Famous Couples Throughout History. Yes, you can come as zombie Thelma and Louise (after the car crash), Danny and Sandy, Bacon and Eggs. Groups are also welcome. You can have four barbies to one Ken. Or Four girlfriends to one Heffner. There will be an award for best outfits, so get creative! [Read More]