HELL ON WHEELS @ the Nickelodeon

DECEMBER 8, Wednesday
One screening only at 8pm followed by a Talkback
Sponsored by Columbia Quadsquad Rollergirls
Filmmaker Bob Ray will be in attendance.
Before the Lonestar Rollergirls, before the Texas Rollergirls, before the emergance of 300+ rollergirl leagues across the globe… before all of this, there were the pioneers.
In 2001 a rowdy group of Austin women were determined to ressurect an old sport, but with a new spin. This is the beginning of a revolution:
Hell on Wheels is the ass kicking documentary film telling the story of a group of Texas women who band together to resurrect roller derby for the 21st century. Emerging from the Austin music and arts scene, these women create a rock and roll fueled version of all-girl roller derby that has spawned the derby craze that’s sweeping the nation.
The success of the Texas leagues has inspired hundreds of women across the country. Leagues of rollergirls are currently organizing or operating in Los Angeles, New York City, Seattle, Phoenix, North Carolina, Houston, Nevada, Tucson, Kansas City, Dallas, Madison, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Australia, England, New Zeland,Canada and beyond.
Hell on Wheels is the birth of the rollergirl revolution, chronicling the creation of the first modern-era rollergirl league Bad Girl, Good Woman Productions (BGGW, later renamed as Texas Roller Derby / Lonestar Rollergirls) and the breakaway league the Texas Rollergirls. Filmed from the trenches, this documentary delivers the struggles and eventual success of the rollergirls as they construct a new sport and set forth to conquer the globe. ty