Skating Since: January 2011
How’d you pick your name? Plead the 5th (it’s nothing dirty though)
Hometown: Lexington, SC
Position(s): B1 most of the time
First Bout: Texas Bout July 9, 2011
Real job: Sales Compensation Support Specialist, CLA for Colonial Life
You wouldn’t know I……wish I had something more interesting to put here, but I have flat feet. I know, zzzzzzz….
Skate Brand: Riedell Vandals for now
Wheels/Bearings: interesting mixture
Gear you can’t live without?: All protective gear, but from recent experience, very well cushioned knee pads are crucial!
Why did you join CQS? Turbo said it was fun. I needed some fun in my life!
What do you like most about Derby? My teammates. CQS truly is an awesome group of women!
What’s your favorite derby memory? My first bout. I was super nervous but so damn excited!
What’s your derby mantra? Stay low. Use my height (or lack there of) to my advantage! Oh and don’t cut the track, don’t cut the track!
What’s your greatest derby accomplishment? 25 in 5. I was not very physically active before derby so passing 25 in 5 was a great feeling!
What is your favorite move?
Likes: DERBY, mexican food, spending time with my family, DERBY, the lake, the beach, DERBY, True Blood, thunderstorms, pizza, hummus and DERBY.
Dislikes: silly drama, bills, Mondays, humidity, stress and traffic.
Severe Injuries: Torn PCL and MCL sprain.
Favorite teammate to work with is…..they are all so awesome. Choosing one is pretty much impossible.