Skating since: July, 2011
How’d you pick your name? My favorite color is purple, and i’ve been told that my attitude is either super sweet or deathly sour. So I decided, what better describes me than a deadly flower?
Hometown: Sumter, SC
Position(s): Jammer
First Bout: Sumter Flygirls @ The Compound/ Fall 2011
Real job: Stylist/ Carmen Carmen Prestige Salon E’ Spa and Manager/ Sonic Drive-In
You wouldn’t know I……? Majored in Music in college. I joke around a lot when I sing, but I actually had a vocal scholarship!
Skate Brand: Vanilla
Wheels/Bearings: Poison’s/ Bones Reds
Gear you can’t live without?: Wrist gaurds, i’m super clumsy and always falling…
Why did you join CQS? I’ve been skating since I was 7. When a hair client of mine found out she told me about the team and said I should try out. To convince me, she gave me tickets to the CQS vs. Texas game (Summer 2011). After 10 mins, I was hooked and haven’t looked back since.
What do you like most about Derby? My derby sisters! I have meet some of the most amazing women since playing this sport. Also, with two jobs and two kids, derby keeps me grounded.
What’s your favorite derby memory? Watching my very first bout. I felt like such a groupie, but I fell in love with the sport that day.
What’s your derby mantra?The stronger I get, the less i’ll fall on my butt.
What’s your greatest derby accomplishment? Being told by a much larger blocker than me that I have the hits of a girl twice my size
What is your favorite move? Skating sideways. I actually feel most comfortable that way.
Likes: All things purple, butterflies, tattoo’s, tutu’s, boots, singing, the hair industry, spending time with my midgets, all large bodies of water.
Dislikes: Never getting sleep, people with a superiority complex, bbq anything, falling.
Severe Injuries: Dislocated finger (left pinky), broken blood vessels/ sprain (left thumb)
Favorite teammate to work with is…..? I love everyone so far! I can’t decide!